

N达勒姆.H. -二氧化碳(CO2)的排放通常与水路无关, 像小溪和河流, but emerging research shows that water bodies play an important role in storing and releasing carbon dioxide. 许多州都在寻找经济有效的方法来减缓气候变化, scientists at the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station at the 永利app新版本官网地址 looked at a way to optimize CO2 sensors to better measure carbon dioxide emissions in lotic, 或移动, bodies of water offering a new tool that can help provide valuable information for everything from land use to climate action plans.

“这些传感器, 适应高动态流量,如洪水, allow us to see if a disproportionate amount of CO2 is transferred from land during short periods of time, 以及这是否会对大气产生重大影响,威尔弗雷德·沃尔海姆说, 自然资源与环境副教授.

这项研究发表在 湖沼学与海洋学:方法 outlines how the researchers modified an existing sensor—originally developed to measure dissolved carbon dioxide in oceans—by adding a protective housing that accounted for changing water levels and unidirectional flow of running water. 的 researchers also chose materials known to limit damage to the sensor by microorganisms. 该团队计划公开这些传感器的修改, 允许其他科学家使用这个设计.

“在做出这些调整之后, 我们发现传感器在测量溪流中的二氧化碳时非常可靠,21岁的研究生、主要作者德鲁·罗宾逊说. “We were able to differentiate between streams that were bigger sources of CO2 and start to examine when and why moments of high CO2 emissions occurred.”

除了能够精确测量溪流和河流中的二氧化碳水平, the researchers wanted to significantly increase the frequency at which emissions could be captured, helping to better understand the impacts of extreme precipitation events and other periods when there could be disruptions to normal observed water flow rates.

的 researchers say this information could be particularly important in determining how land use choices may alter the CO2 regimes of streams and rivers. 例如, 如果把森林开发成农场, 或者是郊区社区, 传感器可以帮助理解任何变化的机制, 比如改变溪流代谢或径流动力学.

Wollheim has begun related sensor modification projects to measure carbon and nitrogen in other environments, 包括森林和农业用地. 这些传感器将专注于土壤特征, potentially providing farmers and other land managers with almost real-time information for optimizing soil nutrients to support their farming operations and minimizing excess fertilizer applications that could lead to runoff and surplus nutrients in nearby lakes, 池塘和其他水体.

这项工作得到了联合国的支持.H. Agricultural Experiment Station through joint funding provided by the National Institute of Food and 农业 and the state of New Hampshire, as well as funding from the National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research program.

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描述:传感器, 用于追踪水体的碳排放, 已改装成可在溪流中使用的浮动装置, 河流和其他流动的水体. 的 floatation allows the sensor to rise and fall with changing water levels in lotic environments.




Caption: A diagram showing a cross section of the lotic sensor and sensor components modified by researchers from UNH's 生命科学学院 and 农业.




Caption: Photo showing submerged portion of sensor with copper tape coating designed to limit damage from microorganisms.




Caption: Images from left to right: 1) Diagram showing cross section of sensor and sensor components; 2) Photo of sensor attached to floating apparatus, which allows for vertical up and down movement to account for changes in water level; and 3) Photo showing submerged portion of sensor with copper tape coating designed to limit damage from microorganisms.